A Comparison of Incident Investigation Outcomes and Safety Recommendations between Clinical Safety and AcciMap Experts





healthcare, AcciMap, causal analysis, clinical safety


This paper focuses on the perception of Branford’s standardized AcciMap approach as a tool for accident analysis in healthcare. This study further builds on the previous work regarding National Health Service (NHSScotland) clinical safety practitioners’ first-time experience in applying the standardized AcciMap approach, and discusses its advantages and limitations [Ref. 1]. A series of training sessions were carried out with a clinical domain expert from the National Services Scotland (NSS) to apply the standardized AcciMap approach for health information technology (IT) analysis. The AcciMap method was used to analyze a medication error incident involving the computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system [Ref. 2] by Clinical and AcciMap experts. Outcomes and safety recommendations from both participants were then qualitatively compared and discussed to gain further insight into applying the AcciMap method.

Author Biography

Christopher W. Johnson, University of Glasgow, Scotland

Chris Johnson is Professor and Head of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. He leads a research group devoted to improving the cyber security of safety-critical systems. He has developed forensic guidance on behalf of the UK civil nuclear industry and helped develop European policy for the cyber-security of aviation — including ground-based and airborne systems.


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How to Cite

Igene, O., & Johnson, C. (2022). A Comparison of Incident Investigation Outcomes and Safety Recommendations between Clinical Safety and AcciMap Experts. Journal of System Safety, 57(2), 12–25. https://doi.org/10.56094/jss.v57i2.190