Design-Based Safety

Ahead of Schedule and Under Budget


  • David MacCollum



schedule, budget, design defects, hazard elimination


The role of system safety engineers is to ensure the inclusion of design-based safety so that projects are completed ahead of schedule and under budget. Removal of hazards during planning and project design includes examining each piece of equipment to be used on the construction project. Most serious construction injuries and deaths caused by workplace accidents can be traced to inherent hazardous design defects. Construction workers are often unaware of these defects and, even if they are aware, they have no authority to improve on the design.

Author Biography

David MacCollum

David V. MacCollum, 96, was a past president of ASSE and was a member of the first U.S. Secretary of Labor’s Construction Safety Advisory Committee [1969-1972]. He specialized in safety research and technical assistance on high-risk hazards to enterprise, insurance companies, universities, trade associations, attorneys, and government for over 20 years and was involved in the development of rollover protections and other safeguards and innovative construction methods and procedures. Mr. MacCollum held a B.S. degree from Oregon State University and was a Registered Professional Engineer and Certified Safety Professional. (in memoriam)

Design-Based Safety




How to Cite

MacCollum, D. (2017). Design-Based Safety: Ahead of Schedule and Under Budget. Journal of System Safety, 53(2), 5.